Friday, March 07, 2025

When all is not as it seems

The company HR director and CEO had carefully interviewed a dozen people for the job of assistant to the financial director. 

The chief executive thought that one candidate - Charles - seemed ideal. 

Charles had been to a major public school. Not only was he a qualified accountant, but Charles also had a masters degree in business administration. 

He seemed fully aware of the latest creative accountancy techniques. 'Charles,' said the chief executive, we've decided to offer you the job. 

And as you're so well qualified we've decided to start you off on a slightly higher salary than the one advertised. We'll pay you £120,000 a year. 

 'Thank you,' replied Charles. 'But how much is that per month?

Friday, February 28, 2025

When the taxman chases the recently departed

A few weeks after Bernie died, his sister, Susie, intercepted a letter sent to him by HMRC. It was a request for a tax return.

Susie took the letter to her accountant who, after asking a few questions, suggested she reply as follows and pp the letter 'from Bernie (deceased)':

One of the advantages of having died is that there is no tax in heaven. It's a beautiful place. When I was alive I paid tax through the PAYE system and had not had any direct dealings with the taxman for many years. I can't say I'm that fussed about the outstanding return as I had no unearned income and left very little in the way of an inheritance for my sole living relative, my sister. Also, such matters seem so mundane since my recent demise. I might add that I have not yet met anyone from HMRC up here!

Friday, February 21, 2025

How to persuade the taxman your dog is a tax deductible business expense

Many years ago a publican had a meeting with a tax inspector in his pub. The publican had been claiming tax relief in respect the upkeep of his 'guard dog' but the taxman was unwilling to concede that this was acceptable.

The publican pointed out that upstairs in the pub were both the dog and the lunchtime takings. He invited the taxman to go upstairs, on his own, and if the taxman returned with the takings the publican would agree to add back the disputed expenses.

The taxman refused to go upstairs and allowed the expense in full.

My thanks to Barry Jefford of George Hay, Chartered Accountants, for the story which was told to him by his client, being the publican in question.

Friday, February 14, 2025

Valentine messages for the accountant in your life

Debits are left
Credits are right
When I looked at you
Love at first sight.
I’d adjust any entry
To keep us aligned,
Because in the ledger of love,
You’re one of a kind.
Without you, my life would be like a one-sided journal entry - unbalanced and incomplete.
Let’s capitalise on our love and carry it forward forever.
Roses are red
Violets are blue
My heart’s net profit
Will always be you.

Friday, February 07, 2025

Popular Google searches about tax

Listed below are some of the suggestions from Google based on popular searches 

Why is tax.... 
                 ... so high in the uk? 
                 ... year April to April?
                 ... important? 
                 ... law so complicated?
                 ... reform needed?
                 ... deducted at source?
                 ... theft?
                 ... avoidance legal?
                 ... avoidance unethical?
                 ... going digital?

What is tax...
                 ... deductible?   
                 ... planning?
                 ... residency?
                 ... relief?
                 ... on savings?
                 ... on capital gains?
                 ... on gifts?
                 ... for self employed?
                 ... avoidance?   
                 ... evasion?   

Friday, January 31, 2025

Famous classic films remade especially for accountants

Star Wars: Tax Return of the Jedi

Double Entry Indemnity, shown with: Double Insolvency

Journal to the Centre of the Earth

Abridged Too Far

Audit About Eve, and the follow up: Auditors of the Lost Ark

Trial balance of the century

VAT on a Hot Tin Roof

Evasion of the income snatchers

Far From the Adding Crowd

The Returns Of The Pink Panther

The Jungle Bookkeeper

Close enough encounters

Indiana Jones And The Ledgers Of Doom

Fatal subtraction, and the sequel: Fatal deduction

Friday, January 24, 2025

Why do people leave filing their tax returns to the last minute?

As we approach the 31 January filing deadline for filing personal self assessment tax returns, I asked a few taxpayers why they leave things to the last minute. A selection of their replies follows: 

Flights to Panama are cheaper in January. 

I've made HMRC my best and only deal available. It's their choice to either accept it, walk away, or it's no deal.

Fear of figures 

My girlfriend said she'd do it for me 

HMRC = Hold Money Past Christmas, I Have Many Reliefs to Claim or Hope My Rebate Comes 

I know exactly when the last minute is. The first minute though...? 

If it wasn't for the last minute I'd never get anything done. 

I've got plenty of time as the last minute isn't due for another 4 or 5 billion years.

When all is not as it seems

The company HR director and CEO had carefully interviewed a dozen people for the job of assistant to the financial director.  The chief exec...